『暑假Digital SAT 基礎班/進階班 學習心得』

8 月 1, 2024 | 全部文章

🔹共有6大主題, 訓練不同類型的Digital SAT閱讀文章, 每一個主題都會有範例解說, 老師會傳授重點式的解題技巧讓學生了解遇到什麼題型該用什麼方式解題,教學生如何在讀文章時預測可能性答案並讓學生在課程最後做模擬考題4-5回讓學生練習。

Gavin同學(KAS 9th):
Thank you Ms. Wang for teaching us SAT! Your class was engaging and informative, and it will definitely help me boost up my grade. You are really kind and your syllabus was also well designed. If time fits my schedule, I’ll probably consider to join your extended class next semester. Anyways, 朝著750的目標邁進~ Once again, thank you for doing such a great job and being such a great teacher!

Alex同學 (義大10th):
I am really thankful for you teaching me and the whole class for these 3 weeks. Generally, I am satisfied with this program, especially the intensity of homework each day. I can feel how my ability to answer questions has been substantially boosted through work. If I really have to point out a flaw or con of the program, it might be the mocks and the quiz. I personally, believe that quizzes and mocks can let us have a real direct image of our own ability. By saying so, I think that starting to have quizzes and mocks at an earlier time will really let us to know the situation we’re in and you can help us accordingly. But still, I still feel this 3 weeks of hard work is worth it, thank you for your teaching and assistance. I will keep up the good work.

Ivy同學(KAS 10th):
After these three weeks of classes, the teacher taught in a very detailed way of explaining habits. This SAT class genuinely helped me start up on SAT, it taught me the basics. I think this class made my English skills better and made my understanding towards the English better, and I think this class was very helpful.

『Digital SAT相關課程 』
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